Hello, I'm Clayton and I like machine learning. I do data science stuff at Apple for work and develop rating systems for esports in my free time. I authored riix
, an open source python package for rating systems experimentation, and I created and maintain EsportsBench, a project to curate datasets and perform rating system benchmark experiments.
M.S. degree in Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2019
B.S.E degrees in Computer Science and Data Science, University of Michigan, 2018
Senior Data Scientist, Apple, 2025-present
Data and Machine Learning Innovation.
Applied Scientist, Microsoft, 2020-2025
ML, NLP, Recommender Systems, and LLMs for Outlook, Teams, and Copilot.
Data Scientist Intern, Microsoft, Summer 2019
Applied machine learning to detect, predict, and find root causes for manufacturing defects.
Research Intern, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Summer 2018
Investigated deep reinforcement learning based approaches for developing sepsis treatments.
Data Science Intern, ViaSat Inc, Summer 2017
Developed deep learning methods for browser resource prefetching.
Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Michigan, 2015-2016,2018
Worked on NLP projects in deception detection, sentiment analysis, and short text clustering.